Sílvia Batista

Fermentation & Downstream Development

Sílvia has completed a Master’s degree in Biotechnology by Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) Portugal, in 2013, and a degree in Biochemistry by UBI, in 2011. Since October 2013, she is working at the Biochemical and Process Engineering Group (BPEG) at REQUIMTE (FCT-UNL) as a Researcher for 73100 Lda, dedicated to the bioproduction of microbial biopolymers. She is the author of 2 scientific posters presented in international conferences.

Filipe Aguiar

Chief Business Development

Filomena Freitas

Senior Technical Advisor

Tatiana Nobre

Project Developer and Regulatory

Luís Pinto

Commercial Director

Sara Fradinho

Financial and Administrative Controller

Ricardo Raposo

Chemical Engineer

Tiago Lopes

Financial Planner

Inês Farinha

Fermentation and DSP R&D