Ricardo Raposo

Chemical Engineer

Ricardo has completed a Master’s degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering by Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in 2016. In March 2017 he has entered to 73100, S.A to work on the scale-up of the processes developed by the company. He is now Head of Process Engineering & DSP in which he is one of the responsible for the organization and execution of the R&D downstream activities, having as main focus the optimization and scale-up of the process. Together with other engineering partners, he has been developing a new industrial unit for the company products manufacture. So far he has also been involved in several scale-up projects together with other CMO partners.

Filipe Aguiar

Chief Business Development

Filomena Freitas

Senior Technical Advisor

Sílvia Batista

Fermentation & Downstream Development

Tatiana Nobre

Project Developer and Regulatory

Luís Pinto

Commercial Director

Sara Fradinho

Financial and Administrative Controller

Tiago Lopes

Financial Planner

Inês Farinha

Fermentation and DSP R&D